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2025 Presenter Information

To help you to prepare for your Digital Health Week 2025 presentation or ePoster submission, please see the relevant details below.

Oral Abstract Presentations

Presentations are an important part of the event program. In order to showcase the diversity of eHealth and digital health research happening, Digital Health Week 2025 is running a number of streams showcasing a large number of presentations. Specific details of your stream and time will be available in the final program for the event.

Presentation Style

Digital Health Week 2025 encourages use of the Pecha Kucha presentation style. This presentation style uses 20 slides, allocating 20 seconds to talk to each slide (6 minutes 40 seconds). This particular style has been chosen to encourage, dynamic, progressive storytelling and ensure that all presenters are allocated equal time, and visual aids, for their presentations. After presenting, each speaker will be allocated 2 minutes of question time from the audience.


Note: Pecha Kucha style is not essential - if you have another innovative presentation style, we welcome you to use this also but adhere to the timing of a maximum of 7 minutes.

You will present via Zoom and we will ask you to share your own slides at the time of the presentation so that you can progress through your slides at your preferred pace. We will ask you to submit your presentation slides for us to have a backup copy in case of technical issues on the day. Due date for final slides submission is COB Wednesday 29th January 2025. Submissions will be done via this Qualtrics form.

Resources for preparing for your presentation


ePosters are an integral part of the event program and will be displayed digitally online the week before the conference and for the duration of the event. Due date for ePoster submissions is COB Wednesday 29th January 2025. All ePosters will need to be submitted via this Qualtrics form

ePoster Presentation Sessions

In addition to the ePoster gallery we will also host ePoster zoom sessions during the conference, where our ePoster presenters are expected to present via Zoom a short (maximum 1 minute), informal summary of their work and interact with other Digital Health Week 2025 attendees. During the showcase, ePoster presenters will have be given the opportunity to participate in a Zoom meeting and meet with Digital Health Week attendees to discuss and answer questions about their research.

Resources for preparing for your ePoster

LinkedIn Posters

All Digital Health Week presenters are encouraged to create a LinkedIn poster in addition to your ePoster or oral presentation. During the conference, your LinkedIn poster will be promoted by key conference LinkedIn accounts to increase the visibility of your research, as well as to provide you with additional opportunity to communicate with other researchers and experience of using a new format for scientific communication. All LinkedIn promotional posters are submitted via this Qualtrics form alongside your ePoster submission or oral abstract slides.

Resources for preparing for your LinkedIn Poster


Prizes will be awarded to both abstract and ePoster presenters.

Oral Abstracts

A prize will be awarded for best presentation in each of the oral abstract streams.


There are three ePoster prizes available:

  • Most popular ePoster (based on number of votes received)
  • Judges Choice
  • Influencer (based on the amount of engagement on Twitter)

Frequently Asked Questions

What format will my presentation be in?

Abstract presentations and ePoster showcase sessions will be run online via Zoom meetings. This will allow delegates and speakers to see one another and be able to interact.

We will start sending Zoom links from 29th January 2024. If you don’t receive links by COB on the 3rd February 2025, please email us at [email protected].

Do I need to send my slide deck and/or ePoster to the conference organisers?

Yes. Please submit your presentation files here.

When do ePoster and oral presentation slides need to be submitted by?

ePosters need to be submitted by COB Tuesday 29th January 2025.

Slides for abstract sessions need to be submitted by COB Wednesday 29th January 2025. (we request slides be provided in case of presenter tech issues on the day). Please note abstract presenters will be sharing slides from their own computer on the day, but we request slides be provided in case of presenter tech issues on the day.

Please ensure you follow the presenter guidelines above prior to submitting your files. Please note that due to the large number of presenters, we will not be accepting any presentation slides on the day. If you have any questions about how to prepare your presentations, please contact us at [email protected].

How long should my presentation be?

For the oral abstract presentations, your time slot includes 7 minutes for your presentation followed by 2 minutes of Q&A. Please keep within this slot when presenting. The session chair will be keeping time, facilitating fairness to subsequent speakers and delegates.

For the ePoster presentations, you will have an opportunity to provide an informal 3-minute overview of your work in an ePoster showcase, with an opportunity to answer questions during the session.

When should I arrive for my presentation on the day of the event?

On the day we ask you to join the Zoom webinar no less than 10 mins prior to the start of your session. Before your session you will be welcomed by the Chair of your session who will test screen sharing and your microphone. In the abstract sessions, the chair of your session will give you remote control of the slide deck to progress through your slides as you present.

What do I do if I have technical issues on the day of my presentation?

Should you experience technical issues on the day of your presentation, please email us at [email protected].


If you have any questions about preparing or submitting your files, please don’t hesitate to contact us at: [email protected]